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Current Location >> Private Banking>> Family Office Services

According to your family circumstances, we are committed to provide tailor-made wealth planning solutions to help you achieve wealth succession and protection in line with your wishes. Our services include:

  • Wealth and Estate Planning Advisory Service
  • Will Executorship and Estate Administration Service
  • Establish Discretionary Trust, Reserved Power Trust, Insurance Trust, and Charitable Trust
  • Establish HK and Offshore Investment Holding Companies
  • Philanthropy Advisory Service
  • Family Office Advisory Service
  • Establish Private Trust Company and Trust Administration Service

For more details, please contact Bank of Communications Trustee Limitedxx, click here (The third party websites accessed through these hyperlinks may not provide you with any regulatory protections. The Bank is not liable for your use of the hyperlinked websites.)

Remarks: The relevant trust services are provided by the Bank of Communications Trustee Limited. Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd (the Bank) is only in charge of the referral service. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between the Bank and the customer out of the selling process or the processing of the related transaction, the Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer. However, any dispute over the contractual terms of the services should be resolved between Bank of Communications Trustee Limited and the customer directly.

The above information is only for reference and does not constitute as any offer, solicitation or recommendation. Before setting up any trusts or engaging other services mentioned above, customers should seek the necessary independent professional advice.

Customer Service

Private Banking Hotline: 2508 4000 Private Banking Hotline: 2508 4000

Private Banking Address: 12 Floor, The Hong Kong Club Building, 3A Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong Private Banking Address: 12 Floor, The Hong Kong Club Building, 3A Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong