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1. You should keep the security device provided by the Bank in a safe place.

2. Do check the last login details when you login Internet Banking/Mobile Banking Services. If you notice any suspicious login, please contact the Customer Services Hotline immediately at 223 95559.

3. Please log off the Internet Banking after conducting transaction.

4. Check the Bank's SMS messages and other messages in a timely manner and verify your transaction records. Contact the Customer Services Hotline immediately at (852) 223 95559 in case of any suspicious situations.

5. The Bank suggests you to set difficult-to-guess Passwords for your computer,mobile device and activate the auto-lock function.

6. When using the Internet Banking /Mobile Banking services, you are advised to type the website address of BoCom(HK) ( directly into the browser address bar or download and install Apps through Google Play, App Store or BoCom(HK) website, for access to your Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking accounts. Do not download software and apps from any untrusted sources.

7. Do not disclose banking details such as Internet Banking’s usernames, Passwords, one time Passwords and other sensitive account information, to any third party providers, no matter authorized by the Bank or not.

8. If you have logged into the Internet Banking/Mobile Banking through third-party websites or third-party mobile Apps, you are advised to change the Passwords immediately to protect your personal information. If you discover any unauthorized transactions in your bank accounts or have any queries relating to the Internet Banking/Mobile Banking Services, you should immediately contact the Customer Services Hotline at 223 95559.

9. Disable any wireless network functions not in use of your device to mitigate any cyber security threats. Choose encrypted networks when using Wi-Fi and remove any unnecessary Wi-Fi connection settings.

10. You must access to the Internet Banking via and use your personalized User Name and Password to login.

11. During the Internet Banking logon process, the Bank will not ask you to provide your personal information or enter any numbers displayed on the web to the security device to obtain security code.

12. If any unusual screens pop up and/or the computer responds unusually slow, you are advised to log off from the Internet Banking and scan the computer with the most updated version of virus protection software.

13. Follow this document when conducting Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking transactions.

14. Email is a common way to spread viruses. The Bank will not send out email with attachment. If you are at all suspicious, do not open the email and please contact the Customer Services Hotline immediately at 223 95559.

15. Access Mobile Banking Services/ Securities Mobile Application by using the recommended iOS/Android Operating System versions with official support from the operating system vendors.

16.You are advised to install the latest software updates for the Mobile Banking Services/ Securities Mobile Application.

17.To help the Customer stay vigilant against frauds, scams and deceptions, the Bank will send risk alerts based on the risk warnings, messages and indicators received by the Bank from 'Scameter' provided by Hong Kong Police Force from time to time.

(i) When you initiate instant fund transfers through 'Transfer/FPS', if the account number, mobile phone number, email address or FPS Identifier of payees are listed as High Risk on 'Scameter', risk alerts will be prompted before proceeding with the transactions. You will be asked to confirm whether you want to proceed with the transactions. Please be aware of such situations and follow the risk alerts to stop the transactions (if applicable) and be aware that the transactions are considered high-risk. If you choose to continue with the transactions, you will assume the associated risks and liabilities.

(ii)You are encouraged to use 'Scameter'( provided by Hong Kong Police Force to conduct assessments of potential frauds and online security risks prior to making any fund transfers.

(iii)When in doubt, you may call Anti-Scam Helpline 18222 for assistance or report to the Police.

18.Please exercise utmost caution regarding malware that can manipulate your mobile device. When you are prompted to open suspicious links or download applications, it is crucial to proceed with caution. Before installing any applications, take the time to carefully evaluate the permission requirements of the respective mobile applications. Do not access your online banking account through hyperlinks provided in Emails, other search engines, Whatsapp, WeChat, third party social online platforms or social media. If you come across any suspicious permission requests, it is advised not to install the related mobile applications and stop operating them immediately. Uninstall any suspicious applications on your device, restore the original settings and ensure that the applications are completely removed. Unless you are completely certain, do not allow your system to install mobile applications from unknown sources.

For other Mobile Banking security guide, please click here for security tips when you using Mobile Banking Services, Mobile Token and Biometric Authentication.

Internet Security Measures by the Bank
To secure your banking information and account details, the Internet Banking provides the following measures.
1. Transport Layer Security (TLS) & Strong Encryption
  When using Internet Banking via Internet, all account and transaction information will be encrypted by TLS encryption technology.
2. Automatic time out
  The Internet Banking system has an automatic log off function. The service will automatically log off after 20 minutes account inactivity so as to prevent unauthorized access of your account. Automatic time-out function will be valid even if there are transactions in progress.
3. Security Device Login
  Security Device Login has been introduced to enhance the security level of Internet Banking system. To enable this setting, please access 'My settings' ->'Internet Banking Login Settings'. Apart from entering a User Name and Password during log-in, you will also be required to enter a security code generated by the Security Device/Mobile Token once the service is enabled.
4. Personal Identification Number (PIN)
  (i) Unique Internet Banking User Name and Password is required to access Internet Banking and the account will be locked if incorrect Password has been entered 6 times consecutively in order to protect your interest.
  (ii) The Bank or agents/business partners will never ask for your PIN or Passwords by e-mail or any other means. Please do not access your Internet Banking account through hyperlinks embedded in emails or from other search engines. If you have any queries, please call the Customer Services Hotline at 223 95559.
5. Digital Certificate
  The Bank website has a digital certificate issued by DigiCert. To ensure that you are connecting to Internet Banking, you can verify the website's authenticity by viewing the web certificate issued by DigiCert.

Security Measures by Customers
To avoid unauthorized access to your account(s), you should pay attention to the following points:
1. Personal Identification Number (PIN)
  (i) Create a Password with a combination of letters and numbers. Do not use the easily guessable Password, such as telephone number, birthday, ID number or any personal associated numbers.
  (ii) Do not write down or record the PIN without disguising it.
  (iii) Do not use the same Password in accessing other Internet services. The Password for accessing Internet/Mobile Banking Services should not be shared with other services.
  (iv) Do not reveal your Password to anyone else (including the Bank staff and police).
  (v) Do change your Password regularly, such as every 30-day. If you suspect your Password has been known by someone else, you should change it immediately; if you cannot change your Password through Internet Banking Services, please contact the Customer Services Hotline 223 95559.
  (vi) The Bank or agents/business partners will never ask for your PIN or Passwords by email or any other means. Please do not access your Internet Banking account through hyperlinks embedded in emails or from other search engines. If you have any queries, please call the Customer Services Hotline at 223 95559.
  (vii) You should keep the security device provided by the Bank in a safe place.
  (viii) Please do not share your login password and security device with others.
2. Using Internet Banking
  (i) Do click [Logout] button to exit the service upon completion of banking transactions.
  (ii) You must access to the Internet Banking via and use your personalized User Name and Password to login.
  (iii) During the Internet Banking logon process, the Bank will not ask you to provide your personal information or enter any numbers displayed on the web to the security device to obtain security code.
  (iv) Follow this document when conducting Internet Banking transactions.
  (v) Do not disclose your personal information if you have any doubts about the websites.
  (vi) Do not access the Bank website through the hyperlinks embedded in emails or SMS.
  (vii) Check your account statement regularly, and contact the Bank immediately if you have any doubts about the account transactions.
  (viii) Do not download software from unknown websites.
  (ix) Proceed high-risk transactions and designated transactions through Internet Banking Services, two-factor authentication is required (Security Device or SMS One-Time Password):
  • Fund Transfer to BOCOM Accounts (Non-registered Account)
  • Fund Transfer to Local Bank Accounts (Non-registered Account)
    • CHATS
    • FPS (Transfer to unsaved payee(with effect from 10 Aug 2019)/Daily transfer amount accumulated more than HKD 10,000 or your Small Value Fund Transfer limit (including QR Code Payment))
  • Fund Transfer to Overseas Bank Accounts (Non-registered Account)
  • Bill payment services (Applicable to designated merchants)
    • Register and pay new bills
    • Standing Instruction (New or amend instruction)
  • Open Account
  • Update Personal Information
  • Change of email address
  • Enquiry e-Statement and e-Advice
  • Activate / Increase Overseas Cash Withdrawal Service Setting / Limit
  • Securities Services/ Investment Fund Services/ Bond Services
  • Increasing the limit of fund transfer or bill payment
  • FPS Addressing Service
  • Electronic Direct Debit Authorization
  • Reset Internet Banking Password
  • Cancel Internet Banking Two-Factor Authentication Login Setting
  • Cardless Cash Withdrawal
  • Register Third Party Account
  (x) 'SMS One-time Password' and SMS for 'Notification of Execution of Designated Transactions' issued by the Bank will be sent to your registered mobile phone number only. If your mobile phone that registered SMS or contact number have been changed, please visit the Bank’s branches to complete the update procedures.
  (xi) You should keep the security device provided by the Bank in a safe place.
  (xii) Please log off the Internet Banking after conducting transaction.
  (xiii) Check the Bank's SMS messages and other messages in a timely manner and verify your transaction records. Contact the Customer Services Hotline immediately at (852) 223 95559 in case of any suspicious situations.
3. Protect your online transaction
  (i) Do not access Internet Banking Service from public Wi-Fi network or from shared computers. You never know what malicious programs might be installed on the PC you use there.
  (ii) Enter your Password and account information under secure environment when you are using Internet Banking Service.
4. Protect your computer and device
  (i) Install a personal firewall on your computer. Personal firewall software is designed to prevent hackers from accessing the computer it is installed on. Installing a personal firewall is recommended. When installing such software, follow the manufacturer's recommendations for a 'conservative' accesses control.
  (ii) In order to prevent computer virus invasion, you are recommended to install anti-virus software and update its version regularly.
  (iii) If any unusual screens pop up and/or the computer responds unusually slow, you are advised to log off from the Internet Banking and scan the computer with the most updated version of virus protection software.
  (iv) Email is a common way to spread viruses. The Bank will not send out email with attachment. If you are at all suspicious, do not open the email and please contact the Customer Services Hotline immediately at 223 95559.
  (v) The Bank suggests you to set difficult-to-guess Passwords for your computer, and activate the auto-lock function.
  (vi) The Bank suggests you to download and upgrade your applications or software from official and reliable sources only. Do not browse suspicious websites.
  (vii) Disable any wireless network functions not in use of your device to mitigate any cyber security threats. Choose encrypted networks when using Wi-Fi and remove any unnecessary Wi-Fi connection settings.
5. Security guideline

To learn more about Internet Trading Security, you can also get more information from the leaflet released by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Hong Kong Association of Banks - Smart Tips on Using Internet Banking Services.


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