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Current Location >> Personal Banking>> Investment>> Equity Linked Investment

Equity Linked Investment (ELI) linked to a combination of stocks give you a higher potential coupon.

ELI is a structured investment product embedded with derivatives whose investment return is linked to the performance of the reference assets.

  • Higher potential return – ELI has the potential to earn higher returns and coupon with different stock selection.
  • Linked to a basket of stocks – A series of ELI could each time link up to four stocks.
  • Flexible structures – Based on your investment strategies and product features to make tailored-made structures
  • Capable of a range of market trends – Under different market trends, ELI could be an investment option for you

  • Flexible tenor
ELI investment tenor could be from two months to eleven months or other eligible tenors.
  • Minimum investment amount as low as HKD100,000
Subject to the Issuer, the investment amount of ELI is as low as HKD100,000
  • A variety of stocks
Eligible linked Stocks can be shares in a listed company or exchange-traded fund
  • Tailored-made structures to give you flexible investment decision
Based on different investment strategies to make tailored-made structures with the following features
  • Early Call
  • Airbag
  • Daily Accrual

Important Notes
  • The Bank distributes the Equity Linked Investment product for the product issuer and the Equity Linked Investment product is a product of the product issuer but not that of the Bank. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between the Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the Equity Linked Investment product should be resolved directly between the product issuer and the customer.

Risk Disclosure Statement
  • The above information is for reference only and is neither a recommendation, an offer, nor a solicitation for any investment product or service. Investors should note that all investment involves risks. Prices of investment products may go up as well as down and may even become valueless. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Investors should read carefully the offering documents and the relevant Risk Disclosure Statement before making any investment decision. You should carefully consider whether any investment product or service mentioned herein is appropriate for you in view of your personal circumstances and should seek independent professional advice if necessary.
  • This is a structured product involving derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the Equity Linked Investment unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.
  • Equity Linked Investment is not principal protected. You may suffer a loss if the prices of the underlying asset(s) of an Equity Linked Investment go against your view. In extreme cases, you could lose your entire investment.
  • The potential return on your Equity Linked Investment may be capped at a predetermined level specified by the issuer.
  • When you purchase an Equity Linked Investment, you rely on the credit-worthiness of the issuer. In case of default or insolvency of the issuer, you will have to rely on your distributor to take action on your behalf to claim as an unsecured creditor of the issuer regardless of the performance of the reference asset(s).
  • Equity Linked Investment is not secured on any assets or collateral.
  • Issuers may provide limited market making arrangement for their Equity Linked Investment. However, if you try to terminate an Equity Linked Investment before maturity under the market making arrangement provided by the issuer, you may receive an amount which is substantially less than your original investment amount.
  • During the investment period, you have no rights in the reference asset(s). Changes in the market price of such reference asset(s) may not lead to a corresponding change in the market value and/or potential payout of the Equity Linked Investment.
  • Issuer of an Equity Linked Investment may also play different roles, such as the arranger, the market agent and the calculation agent of the Equity Linked Investment. Conflicts of interest may arise from the different roles played by the issuer, its subsidiaries and affiliates in connection with the Equity Linked Investment.

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