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    CBI TravelSTAR Insurance Plan

    Coverage summary

    For details of CBI TravelSTAR Insurance Plan's policy provision, please click here.

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    Table of Benefits

    Scope of Benefits Plan A
    Plan B
    Plan C

    Personal Accident
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Death or permanent disablement arising within 12 months of an accident.

    Accident while in a Common Carrier.
    Other Accident.

    Burns Benefit Sum Insured/Limit per person Sum Insured/Limit per person Sum Insured/Limit per person

    △△Second or third degree burns arising within 12 months of an accident. $150,000 $300,000 $300,000

    Medical Expenses
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Medical Expenses incurred during the trip outside Hong Kong.
    Follow-Up Medical Treatment within 90 days after return to Hong Kong. (including Chinese bone-setting and acupuncture treatment)
    Sub-limit for Chinese Bone-setting &/or Acupuncture
    $200per day & visit
    $1,200per each policy year
    $200per day & visit
    $2,000per each policy year
    $250per day & visit
    $2,500per each policy year
    Overseas Hospital Cash.
    $300 per day / $3,000 per trip
    $400per day / $4,000 per trip
    $500 per day / $5,00per trip


    CBI Global Emergency Assistance
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Round-the-clock Hotline Service.
    (i) Travel Information.
    (ii) Medical Referral Services.
    (iii) Legal Assistance
    Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation.
    Actual cost. Expenses should be deducted from Section 3a benefit
    Provide emergency medical evacuation and repatriation due to serious injury or sickness.
    Hospital Admission Guarantee.
    Guaranteed payment of hospital admission fees.
    Compassionate Visit.

    (i) Hospitalization of Insured Person during the trip for 7 consecutive days or above.
    Pay the travel & accommodation expenses necessarily incurred for one relative or friend.
    $1,000 per night up to max. 7 nights /Max. benefits limit: $20,000
    $1,500 per night up to max. 7 nights / Max. benefits limit: $50,000
    $1,500 per night up to max. 14 nights / Max. benefits limit: $100,000
    (ii) Death of Insured Person during the trip.
    Pay the travel & accommodation expenses necessarily incurred one immediate family member.
    $1,000 per night up to max. 5 nights / Max. benefits limit: $20,000
    $1,500 per night up to max. 5 nights / Max. benefits limit: $50,000
    $1,500 per night up to max. 10 nights / Max. benefits limit: $100,000
    (iii) Death of Immediate Family Member. Travel Expenses necessarily incurred for the Insured Person who returns to take care the necessary arrangement of a deceased immediate family member.
    Return of Child(ren). Travel Expenses necessarily incurred for sending back an unattended child to Hong Kong during the hospitalization of the Insured Person.
    Repatriation of Mortal Remains.
    Return of remains or ashes to Hong Kong.

    Personal Baggage & Personal Effects
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Pay for loss of or damage to baggage and personal effects.
    Not Covered
    Sub-limit per item / pair / set of articles.
    Not Covered
    Sub-limit per lap-top computer.
    Not Covered
    Sub-limit per mobile phone or tablet computer
    Not Covered

    Baggage Delay
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Emergency purchase due to baggage delay for more than 6 hours.
    Not Covered

    Personal Money
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Loss of cash, signed traveller's cheque or money order due to theft, robbery or burglary.
    Not Covered

    Document Loss
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Reimburse for the replacement costs of lost travel documents. Additional travel &/or accommodation expenses due to theft, robbery or burglary subject to daily limit set forth.
    Not Covered
    Daily limit for travel and accommodation expenses $1,000 / Max. benefits limit inclusive document replacement cost: $10,000
    Daily limit for travel and accommodation expenses $2,000 /Max. benefits limit inclusive document replacement cost: $20,000

    Travel Delay and Re-route
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Cash benefit for common carrier delay for more than 6 hours due to strike, riot, civil commotion, hijack, adverse weather, natural disaster or mechanical fault.
    Not Covered
    $300 per 6 hours / Max. $1,500
    $300 per 6 hours / Max. $3,000
    Reimburse for additional travel expenses incurred for re-routing if the common carrier is cancelled or delayed due to cause stated in 9a above for over 12 hours due to above reasons.
    Not Covered

    Trip Cancellation
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Reimburse for travel and/or accommodation expenses in the event of trip cancellation due to: death, serious Injury, serious sickness of insured person/immediate family member/travel companion/co-partner; witness summons or jury service of an insured person; strike, riot or civil commotion, adverse weather conditions or natural disaster at the planned destination; serious damage to the insured person's residence from fire or flood.
    Not Covered
    10a above will extend to indemnify the Insured Person for the loss of travel fare and/or accommodation expenses paid in advance for which he/she is legally liable and which are not recoverable from any other source consequent upon the cancellation of the Trip necessitated by the unanticipated issuance of an Outbound Travel Alert "OTA" for the destination where the Insured Person has arranged to travel. The compensation will be computed according to the type of the alert.
    Not Covered
    Amber Alert: 25% of incurred amount or 25% of original benefit limit whichever is lesser
    Red Alert: 50% of incurred amount or 50% of original benefit limit whichever is lesser
    Black Alert: 100% of incurred amount or 100% of original benefit limit whichever is lesser

    Trip Curtailment
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Reimburse for travel and/or accommodation expenses incurred for trip curtailment due to: death, serious injury or serious sickness of an insured person/immediate family member/ travel companion/co-partner; strike, riot or civil commotion, adverse weather conditions or natural disaster at the planned destination.
    Not Covered
    11a above will extend to indemnify the Insured Person according to the type of OTA for (i) any additional travel fare and/or accommodation expenses; and (ii) any loss of travel fare and/or accommodation expenses forfeited by the Insured Person which are not recoverable from any other source and consequent upon his/her return to Hong Kong necessitated by the unanticipated issuance of an OTA for the planned destination after the commencement of a Trip.
    Not Covered
    Amber Alert: 25% of incurred amount or 25% of original benefit limit whichever is lesser
    Red Alert: 50% of incurred amount or 50% of original benefit limit whichever is lesser
    Black Alert: 100% of incurred amount or 100% of original benefit limit whichever is lesser

    Personal Liability
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Indemnify legal liability in respect of accidental bodily injury or property damage to third parties due to negligence.
    Not Covered

    Rental Vehicle Excess
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Reimburse for an excess of the vehicle rental agreement.
    Not Covered
    Not Covered

    Loss of Credit Card
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    Reimburse for the monetary loss of credit card.
    Not Covered
    Not Covered

    Quarantine Cash Benefits
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person

    WHO recognized notifiable human Infectious or Contagious disease Compulsory Quarantine Cash (cash benefit for quarantine more than 72 hours)
    Not Covered
    up to max. 14 days
    up to max. 14 days
    △   Compensation is computed according to the percentage of Compensation Table 1.
    △△ Compensation is computed according to the percentage of Compensation Table 2.
    Insured is not entitled to benefit under item 3(c) & 15 at the same time. We will pay the one in higher benefits if the Insured person is hospitalized wherever you go outside Hong Kong.
    Insured person who's aged below 18 or above 74 is only entitled to 50% of original benefit under Section 1 or max. $500,000, whichever is lesser.
    Insured person who's age below 18 or above 74 is only entitled to 50% of original benefit under Section 3.
    Insured person whose aged 10 or below shall not recover any loss under Section 7 Personal Money.

    For emergency medical treatment during the course of trip outside Hong Kong, you may call the below dedicated 24-hour emergency hotline for assistance.
    Hotline number : (+852) 2861 9275

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    New Extended COVID-19 Benefit

    Starting from 5 December 2022, we will provide you with Extended COVID-19 Benefit, please refer to the following coverage:
    Extended COVID-19 Benefit

    Medical Expenses (as a result of confirmed COVID-19 infection )
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person 
    Sum Insured/Limit per person 

    Medical Expenses incurred during the trip outside Hong Kong, China as a result of confirmed COVID-19 infection .
    Follow-Up Medical Treatment within 90 days after return to Hong Kong, China as a result of confirmed COVID-19 infection . (including Chinese bone-setting and acupuncture treatment) 
    Sub-limit for Chinese Bone-setting &/or Acupuncture
    $200 per day & visit
    $200 per day & visit $250 per day & visit
    $1,200 per each policy year $2,000 per each policy year $2,500 per each policy year
    3c Overseas Hospital Cash (hospitalized as a result of confirmed COVID-19 infection ).
    $300 per day / $3,000 per trip 
    $400 per day / $4,000 per trip
    $500 per day / $5,000 per trip 

    CBI Global Emergency Assistance (as a result of confirmed COVID-19 infection ) Sum Insured/Limit per person 
    Sum Insured/Limit per person 
    Sum Insured/Limit per person 

    Round-the-clock Hotline Service  Covered

    (i) Travel Information
    (ii) Medical Referral Services
    (iii) Legal Assistance
    Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
    Actual cost. Expenses should be deducted from Section 3a benefit

    Provide emergency medical evacuation and repatriation due to serious injury or sickness
    4c Hospital Admission Guarantee Guaranteed payment of hospital admission fees  HK$25,000.00 HK$40,000.00

    Trip Cancellation (as a result of confirmed COVID-19 infection )
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person


    Reimbursement for travel and/or accommodation expenses paid in advance but irrecoverable from any other source in the event of trip cancellation caused by serious sickness due to confirmed COVID-19 infection and is hospitalized seven (7) days before commencement of the Journey of insured person/immediate family member/travel companion/co-partner
    Not Covered

    Trip Curtailment (as a result of confirmed COVID-19 infection )
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    Sum Insured/Limit per person
    保Sum Insured/Limit per person


    Reimbursement for travel and/or accommodation expenses forfeited and irrecoverable from any other source in event of trip curtailment caused by Serious Sickness due to confirmed COVID-19 infection and is hospitalized of insured person/immediate family member/travel companion/co-partner necessitating the return of an Insured Person to Hong Kong, China  Not Covered HK$30,000
    PART VII- General Condition in Policy Wording TRIP EXTENSION (APPLY TO SINGLE TRIP ONLY) (as a result of confirmed COVID-19 infection )
    In the event the Trip is being unavoidably and uncontrollably delayed since the Insured Person has infected COVID-19, is hospitalized as sustaining Serious Sickness in the course of the trip and required to stay longer than the original policy period, the insurance cover shall be extended until the Insured Person's return to Hong Kong, China subject to a maximum of ten (10) days from original policy expiry date. Extension is free but prior notice must be given to this company with proper evidence submitted .


     1 Insured person who's aged below 18 or above 74 is only entitled to 50% of original benefit under Section 3
     2 The insured must receive at least three doses of COVID-19 vaccine in accordance with the Hong Kong SAR Government's "Vaccination Pass" before the start of the trip; if a "Certificate of Exemption" is issued due to health reasons, the insured will not receive this benefit. Confirmation of "2019 Coronavirus" requires the submission of PCR nucleic acid test/medical report issued by the government/government-authorized or recognized medical institution as proof. Rapid test results will not be accepted.
     3 The Company reserves the right to adjust premium, maximum benefits payable as stated in the limit of indemnity table and/or terms of CBI TRAVELSTAR INSURANCE PLANS. Rates and/or premium and/or any rates of premium discounts or surcharges shall be prescribed from time to time by the Company.
     4 Extended COVID-19 Benefit is a free additional or revamped coverage provided by our company on the basis of the original policy for customer. Our company reserves the right to adjust the extended benefit in response to current situation whereby consent of customer is not required.
     5 Part III General Exclusions: (22) Infectious or Contagious Disease Exclusion during a PHEIC and (24) Communicable Disease Exclusions prevails except the Extended COVID-19 Benefit prescribed above.
     6 Other sections that are not mentioned in above table remain no cover in respect of COVID-19 and these include:

    Section 1 - Accidental Death and Disablement
    Section 2 - Burns Benefit
    Section 5 - Personal Baggage
    Section 6 - Baggage Delay
    Section 7 - Personal Money
    Section 8 - Document Loss
    Section 9 - Travel Delay & Re-Route
    Section 12 - Personal Liability
    Section 13 - Rental Vehicle Excess S
    ection 14 - Loss of Credit Card
    Section 15 - Quarantine Cash Benefit

     7 The sum assured of Section 3(b) of the ”Extended COVID-19 Benefit" is deducted from the original total Medical Expenses benefit sum assured.

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      PREMIUM FOR SINGLE TRIP   Premium in Hong Kong Currency
    Benefit Plan
    Plan A
    Plan B
    Plan C
    Day of Cover Individual Family
    1 day $72
    2 days $78
    3 days $84
    4 days $90
    5 days $96
    6 days $102
    7 days $108
    8 days $116
    9 days $124
    10 days $132
    11 days $140
    12 days $148
    13 days $156
    14 days $164
    15 days $173
    16 days $182
    17 days $191
    18 days $200
    19 days $209
    20 days $218
    21 days $227
    22 days $236
    23 days $245
    24 days $254
    25 days $263
    26 days $273
    27 days $283
    28 days $293
    29 days $303
    30 days $313
    Each Additional day $8

      PREMIUM FOR ANNUAL PROGRAM   Premium in Hong Kong Currency
    Benefit Plan
    Plan A
    Plan B
    Plan C
    Day of Cover Individual Family
    Annual Cover

    Insurance Authority Premium Levy

    Pursuant to the Insurance (Levy) Order and Insurance (Levy) Regulation, Insurance Companies will collect IA Premium Levy on insurance premiums from your insurance policies effecting from 1-Jan-2020 onwards. This is the legal obligation of policyholders to pay a levy when premium is paid. The levy will be collected by Insurance Companies and then remit to Insurance Authority as required by the law.

    Details of levy can be referred to table below. For further information, please visit Insurance Authority Official Web

    Policy Inception Date and/or Annual Anniversary Date Applicable Levy Rate Cap Per General Insurance Policy Per Policy Year (HK$)
    From 1 Apr 2021 onwards
    (date inclusive)
    0.10% 5,000

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    Major exclusions

    War, Terrorist attack by Nuclear &/or Biochemical weapon, Nuclear Fission, Radioactive Contamination, Cyber Risks, Suicide, Self-Injury, Psychosis, Sleep Disturbance disorder, mental or nervous disorders, pregnancy, miscarriage or childbirth, congenital anomalies, pre-existing sickness, cosmetic, plastic surgery, Communication Disease (Including Infectious & Contagious Diseases), venereal disease or sexually transmissible diseases, Journey for the Purpose of Obtaining Medical Treatment, Health check-ups; Insured Person in the course of the trip is engaging in and performing duty in connection with naval, military or air force service or military operations; armed force service; offshore activities like commercial diving, oil rigging, mining; handling of explosives &/or dangerous goods; or working as an aerial worker, aerospace work, animal trainer, jockey, security guard, industrial machine operator, industrial manufacturing, aerial performance, newspaper-war correspondent, farmer, stuntman, construction site worker, decoration &/or maintenance worker, fisherman, ship crew &/or outdoor manual worker; Piloting or serving as a crewmember or riding in any aircraft except as a fare paying passenger on a regularly scheduled airline, travelling in, to or through Afghanistan or Iraq, Riding or driving in any kind of motor racing competition, engaging in a professional capacity in any sport where an Insured Person would or could earn income or remuneration from engaging in such sport as a source of income &/or sanction limitation on claim payment etc. These are highlight of main exclusions. Please refer to the policy wordings for details.

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      1. Insured/Proposer must be 18 years old or above Hong Kong Resident. If the Insured is not the Insured Person, the Insured/Proposer must be Parent or legal guardian or immediate Family Member of the Insured Person including: Insured Person’s spouse, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother & sister. For corporate client, the company must be registered in Hong Kong, China.
      2. Single Journey: No age limit is applicable. Annual Cover: Insured person’s age must at 70 or below.
      3. Family plan shall cover the legal couple and their unmarried legitimate Child(ren) in the trip.
      4. All Insured person must be the resident of Hong Kong, China.

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          1. Single trip policy effective date should be the time when the Insured Person arrives at the immigration counter in Hong Kong, China and policy expiry date should be the time when he/she returns to the immigration counter in Hong Kong, China upon the completion of such journey. Single trip policy shall extend the cover of personal accident, loss of personal baggage、personal money、document & credit card while the Insured person is travelling to the departure place of Common Carrier 3 hours before departure &/or after the Common Carrier arrives Hong Kong, China.
          2. Single trip covers up to maximum 180 days.
          3. Annual Policy covers all trip day within the policy period of insurance. Each single trip in Annual Cover covered up to maximum 90 days.
          4. In the event the Trip is being unavoidably delayed by incident including but not limited to inclement weather condition, disaster, strike of common carriers and riot which is outside the control of the Insured Person, the insurance cover shall be automatically extended until the Insured Person’s return to Hong Kong subject to a maximum of ten (10) days at no additional premium.
          5. In the event the Insured person is hospitalized in the course of the trip and required to stay longer than the original policy period. We will consider extending the period of insurance until Insured person returns to Hong Kong, China upon requested. Provided that the Policyholder or Insured person should pay to us the required premium involved for such period extension.

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            Governing Law of Policy: Hong Kong Special Administrative Law

            For enquiries, please visit any of our outlets or call our customer service hotline.

            Note: The above information is supplied by China BOCOM Insurance Co., Ltd. and is for reference only. Please refer to the full wording of the policy provisions published by China BOCOM Insurance Co., Ltd. for detailed terms & conditions and exclusions.

            The insurance plan is underwritten by China BOCOM Insurance Co., Ltd. which is authorized by the Insurance Authority to provide general insurance business. Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) Limited is an appointed insurance agent of China BOCOM Insurance Co., Ltd.


            Important Notice:
            Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”) distributes the product for China BOCOM Insurance Co., Ltd. The insurance plan is a product of China BOCOM Insurance Co., Ltd. but not the Bank. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between the Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer.

            Contact Us

            Customer Service Hotline: 223 95559 Customer Service Hotline: 223 95559

            Please visit any of our outlets Please visit any of our outlets