Service Highlights
New Internet Banking Interface
Internet Banking Services will provide customers with enhanced online financial services in a brand new design. The refreshed interface is clear, simple and more user-friendly which brings about a more convenient Internet Banking experience.
Enhanced Online Financial Services
Customer can enjoy comprehensive online financial services with only one Internet Banking account so you may manage your wealth more effectively. After logging in your personal Internet Banking account, you can also operate joint accounts with either-to-sign agreement. Additionally, new functions have been introduced in Internet Banking so as to offer all-rounded online financial services to our customers.
Register beneficiary accounts
By using two-factor authentication , you can register BOCOM (HK), Local Bank and Overseas Bank Accounts
Instant adjust transfer/bill payment limits
By using two-factor authentication, you can immediately adjust all type of transfer/bill payment limits
Online activation of Internet Banking Services
Customers can choose to activate Internet Banking Services online with Telephone Banking Services Login Account/ Credit Card Number/ ATM Card Number and its password and then register a user name and set up a password. Internet Banking is available for logging in immediately upon successful service activation and you are ready to experience the Internet Banking Services.
Account Maintenance
Manage your accounts and investment more easily by selecting personal and joint accounts to be operated on Internet Banking.
E-Statement and E-Advice
Switch to e-Statements and register for e-Statement reminder service to help protect the environment and enjoy a more flexible statement service, with access up to past 7 years of e-Statement and past year of e-Advices anytime and anywhere via Internet Banking and Mobile Banking.
Reset Internet Banking Password
Please access the login page of Internet Banking and click “Forgot Password?”. Then you can follow the instructions to reset your password.
Instantly apply for BComBEST Services / BOCOM FORTUNE Services via Internet Banking Services
Can apply for upgrading to BComBEST Services / BOCOM FORTUNE Services instantly via Internet Banking, in order to enjoy more flexible and dedicated services.
"S2 Payroll Account" Services
Individual customers can login their Internet Banking to newly apply for "S2 Payroll Account" Services anytime and anywhere with ease. Follow the steps below: login Internet Banking > Customer Services > Apply for "S2 Payroll Account" Services > select which account to be registered payroll account > read and tick to agree to related terms and conditions > submit > confirm > mark down reference number.
"Time Deposit - My Choice"
Customers can through our Internet Banking Services to set up, enquire, amend maturity instruction and uplift their "Time Deposit - My Choice".